Fastback Top U2

Product detail

Fastback Top U2 / Jeep

This top is made for happiness!
It’s so easy to open and close, no matter the season, you will never miss a sunny day in your JK.
Our Ultimate Top U2 Fastback is a bowless top, supplied with a windshield bar and door surrounds.
Roof and windows run separately, so you can have 5 different configurations of your top;  from fully open to completely closed.
The roof can be rolled up on the top of your windshield, secured by two latches, leaving your trunk free for your luggage. Windows are completely hardware-free and can be folded taking up little space. Tinted windows are scratch resistant and DOT approved.

CAUTION: to make one complete top you need two items:
Top ( including a complete hardware, nothing else is required ) , and Fastback windows.

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